Zarin Home: Design Made Simple

5 of our Favorite Living Room Designs

5 of our Favorite Living Room Designs

Here at Zarin Fabrics, we love interior design. So, we found 5 of our favorites on Pinterest and put them on our blog. You will love these amazing decors. They all have amazing furniture, fabric and textures. Let's begin.

Number 5


We love this modern home design, its very cozy and amazing  for a family to sit together in, I really like the pillows and sofa too

Number 4.

I love this one, everything is spread out perfectly and placed in the right spot. The couch looks very leathery and comfortable.

 Number 3.

I love this one mainly because one of the couch pillows looks like one of ours! And the TV stand is so simplistic.

 Number 2.

Its just so natural, I love this nature aspect they integrated into the interior design. They even used green fabric on the couch to make it look like grass!



Number 1. (The Winner)

I have nothing to say about this besides its my favorite. I just love the modern design in it and everything is just perfect to me. The fabric is beautiful and so are the pillows.

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